So another productive week or so, the pinnacle being two days up on Anglesey, this time with the tandem. The objective? Learning how to get back in the boat when it all goes inverted. Again, the main man, Phil Clegg, of Sea Kayaking Anglesey fame was there to give us the pointers and doing some pointing.
This time we stuck to launching from Porth Dafarch, for good reason. The tidal race came at us in stages, with the warm-up through the inner races and then it was full steam ahead into the outer race, which, the tandem laughed in the a face of... even if at points our faces were a little more ashen.
Thankfully after a hard day's paddling, we could trundle back the night stop at Valley of the Rocks campsite. Handily, Anglesey Outdoor Centre, which was less than 500 yards away from the tent has, by complete chance, an on-site bar.
The lovely Penny, captain of the Paddlers' Return bar, even pinned one of our t-shirts to the ceiling alongside the others telling many a story of activities and adventures of the Isle.
The next time we see this wonderful place will be when we launch from Newborough beach on August 27th. Next week we'll be going to the Oxwich Bay Sea Kayaking Fishing competition to meet some of the other kayakers who frequent our coast.
In the meantime, please donate anything you can to help us reach our target (we're currently at £1,260 and counting...) and support the work of the three great charities. It'll make all the difference to disabled people across Wales who rely on the support of Bobath Cymru, Crmarthenshire People First and Disability Can Do.
More coming soon, stay tuned!
Ben and Tom
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