Saturday, 30 July 2016

Paddling in the piscary at Oxwich

We both love fishing. So when we got an invite from Escape Watersports to join them at the Oxwich Bay Sea Kayak Fishing Competition we didn't need asking twice. The third time, we said yes. As the tackle box consisted of only a trolling line, we went for a paddle and left the fishing to the pros. 

And quite a paddle it was. Not just for us but also for our new boat buddy - Gary the Dragon. 

Gary was found merrily siting in a charity shop in Roath. I bet he didn't expect how that day ended. Gary aka "Speedy" will be joining us on our adventure around Wales which starts on August 27th, from a pub opposite Caenarfon. This is purely for logistics you understand (also Gary likes a G&T in the morning!).

So the first trip to Oxwich Bay with Gary aboard went swimmingly, and thankfully without a swim. Although Gary took a good face-full of Adam's ale.

We're back in same Bay shortly, with the Wye Bother Canoe Club. This time we'll be setting off from Caswell Bay and finishing the day in Oxwich which, handily, has a pub. Gary will be pleased.

More soon, stay tuned!

Ben and Tom

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